Veolia has been developing solutions to treat waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) for over 15 years. Through its specialized subsidiary Triade Electronique in Angers (France), the Group operates a center able to process up to 80,000 tons of WEEE per year.

The use of electrical and electronic equipment generates an increasing volume of waste containing environmentally hazardous components. WEEE is also a valuable source of recyclable raw materials: ferrous metals, plastics and precious metals can be recovered and reused.
In the Saint Sylvain d'Anjou treatment center near Angers, dedicated lines depollute and recycle more than 80% of almost all types of WEEE. In terms of recovery rates achieved, this facility is among the most efficient in France: 94% for large appliances, 91% for small appliances and 88% for screens.
A pioneering site in plastics recovery
With a unique process capable of sorting more than ten different polymers, Triade Electronique recovers all WEEE plastics and guarantees purity rates of over 99%. This solution fosters the development of closed-loop recycling with plastic manufacturers, therefore preventing the extraction of oil. Each year the Saint-Sylvain d’Anjou facility avoids the emission of an estimated 71,297 CO2 equivalent metric tons.
80,000 metric tons of waste treated per year
94% recovery for cooling appliances
91% recovery of small appliances
88% recovery of screens
99% purity in plastic polymers
71,297 metric tons of CO2emissions avoided per year