Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched on 2nd October 2014 the Swachh Bharat Mission (“Clean India Mission”). This national campaign aims to gather people towards a common goal: clean all the streets, the cities and the country areas to realize Mahatma Gandhi’s dream of a clean and hygienic India. Every entity, from the citizens to the largest industrials, is welcome to get involved in the campaign and take part in initiatives that will contribute to reinforce sanitation and waste management in India in the five next years (until the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on 2nd October 2019)
The main priorities of the mission are listed below:
- Erase open defecation in India and build proper individual toilets
- Change people mind towards waste management thanks to the social media (with the “#MyCleanIndia” for instance) and thanks to information and education campaigns in schools
- Focus on both urban areas and rural areas
Veolia is taking an active interest in the Swachh Bharat mission, especially by consolidating the water and sanitation projects the company has driven for several years now in India. For instance we aim to intensify our presence and activity in the smart city Nagpur, through our water projects and our joint venture company Orange City Water we created in 2011 with the Indian company Vishwaraj Infrastructure Ltd.
Veolia Foundation also gives support to Sulabh International. Indeed, through our foundation, we have constructed two toilet complexes and plan to build three more complexes in the Nangloi area, a district with one million population in the west of New Delhi.