Municipal Water Services: Access to water and sanitation
Each day, Veolia in India delivers drinking water of the highest quality to improve the living conditions of all citizens where we operate. We work hand-in-hand with the public authorities to take care of the various steps involved in complex water cycle management. This includes withdrawing water from nature, treating and producing drinking water. We are also experts in wastewater treatment, recycling it for various purposes, including irrigation and groundwater recharge.
Water Treatment Plant Construction and O&M

Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction and O&M

Managing customer bills, collection and customer management

Network and Distribution management

Desalination Plant Construction and O&M

Industrail Waste Services: Liquid and hazardous waste treatment and valorization
Veolia in India ensures comprehensive hazardous waste management in collection, transport, recovery, physicochemical treatment, incineration or landfill disposal. Its services aim to provide clients with the safest treatment of hazardous waste while fulfilling all reporting and transparency requirements.
Industrial Wastewater Treatment Zero Liquid Discharge

Hazardous Waste Incineration
Hazardous Waste Landfilling and Pre-pocessing

Hazardous Waste Landfilling and Pre-pocessing