The prestigious Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, faced severe water shortage and sewerage issues, especially in the hostel blocks. With the increasing number of students from across the country, it needed a state-of-the-art water supply and sewer system to cater to their needs.
In 2012, the Institute entrusted Veolia with the responsibility of providing water supply to all the 8400 students and staff on its campus. The contract is also set for operation and maintenance of the Institute’s sewer system. The three year contract is set to be completed in mid September of 2015.
Veolia’s special leakage detection and rectification solutions ensure the Institute’s water and sewage infrastructure complies with the best international standards. With 25.4 km water supply network and 13.5 km sewerage network across the campus along with a 24x7 customer care center and on-time complaint redressal, Veolia has been able to provide a seamless service to all the students and staff of this Institute.
Veolia reduces withdrawal from water resources, while continuing to meet the increasing demand in the hostel blocks for water. This helps optimize the overall consumption of water and thereby generate potential water savings.