Nepal: Veolia is supporting the relief efforts of Solidarités International and Médecins du Monde

72 hours after the earthquake in Nepal, the Veolia Foundation is providing volunteers and emergency equipments for two NGOs bound for Kathmandu, for the supply of water to mobile health centers.

In support of the rescue operation mounted jointly by the NGOs Solidarités International and Médecins du Monde in Nepal, the Veolia Foundation is providing water treatment (500 Aquaforce station[1]) and storage equipment that will leave for Kathmandu in a plane chartered by the emergency unit of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This equipment will supply water to mobile health centers in the district of Sinhulpalchok and in the north-west of Kathmandu at the earthquake’s epicenter. Further Veoliaforce equipment and volunteers will be sent after the initial assessments have been made on the spot.

"Water is the first priority, even before food," explains Christopher Chamagne, the logistics specialist in the Solidarités International team, who has experience of earthquakes and was mobilized during the terrible earthquake in Haiti.

The Veolia Foundation responds to emergencies when natural disasters occur. To provide assistance to the survivors, Veoliaforce equipment and volunteers are rapidly sent to the disaster area to re-establish a water supply.


The humanitarian aid organization Solidarités International has been on the ground during conflicts and natural disasters for the last 35 years. Particularly involved in fighting diseases related to unsafe water, which is the leading cause of death worldwide, the NGO has developed great expertise, in particular in relation to access to drinking water and sanitation.


For 35 years, Médecins du Monde (MdM) has been caring for the most vulnerable populations, victims of armed conflicts, natural disasters, and the people that the world gradually forgets. An international NGO, MdM’s work is made possible by the commitment of its volunteers, logisticians, doctors, nurses, midwives, etc.

[1] Mobile water treatment unit used during emergencies in difficult-to-access places. It supplies 15L of drinking water per person per day for a population of between 500 and 2000 people.